Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 09 March 2006

DGM HQ A grey day



A grey day in the valley. Jet lag continues: to bed at 03.30 & rising at ten, my latest ever rise at DGM.

Upstairs, Alex is dealing with KC 1973. Downstairs, Soundscapes At The Duck Room, St. Louis.

17.58  Dribble. A day in front of the computer & likely an evening as well.

20.14  David left for a birthday party for his youngest daughter, twelve today. Alex has left and will not be in tomorrow: he will be plumbing for David’s Father.

Hugh has arrived & left for band rehearsal. I remain, I continue, I compute. I compute, therefore I dribble. Dribble dribble.

Discussion with David of the day: the nature of DGM Live & the future of downloading firms. Question/s on the Guestbook: how can RF reconcile taking money for bootlegs while deploring bootlegging?

Wish. When royalties from DGM Live downloads (of former bootlegs and legitimate archive material both) finally arrive, I’ll be a Happy Boy. Until then, David & Robert continue to pay for privilege of putting them up. If I were to delay replying to the question until the cheque arrives, that would be perhaps another 5 years.

Assuming that the business side of DGM Live continues to grow organically & successfully, it will take perhaps 5 years to recoup the investment of time, money & energy in creating the site. And for those 5 years, David & Robert will also have been working for free.

So, why? Specifically regarding bootlegs: on one level, we are gradually legitimising the stock of recordings that were made against clearly expressed wishes; and mostly in the knowledge that (on one level at least) this was violation. One form of the bootleggers’ defence I don’t care, because I can is clearly not an answer. There is always resonance when an act is committed without the permission of one of the parties; more so when directly against their wishes. The resonance continues & repercussions move out from the original act in strange ways. In putting bootlegs onto DGM Live, we help to neutralise that negativity. This is part of what is sometimes referred to as action in the world. It follows the injunction: turn a seeming disadvantage to your advantage; or, martial arts in a subtle dimension. On a deeper level, for those of a theological bent & more difficult to grasp, this is one form of redemption.

23.31  Well, an evening of e-frenzying. Hugh is back from rehearsals & the inbox is currently set at 351.

00.33  Down to 322 & severe dribblation is underway. From an e-correspondent…

playing the market
